Monday, September 26, 2011

Tree Or A Shade Bonsai Tree For Decorations

tree or a shade tree. 
What is Bonsai Quite simply, bonsai (pronounced ‘bone sigh’) is the practice of growing trees in pots. It combines both horticultural and artistic skills. The bonsai is intended to be a miniature of a fully grown, mature tree. The translation of the Japanese word “bonsai” is literally “tree in a pot”. There is good evidence that many cultures like Egyptian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese – began doing this long ago, but the Japanese are credited with refining this activity to the art form it is today. Virtually every country in the world has practitioners of this ancient art. Many public gardens and arboretums have displays of bonsai, and most major cities have a local bonsai club. The same word “bonsai” is used both for singular and plural, similar to our English words “sheep” and “fish”. Contrary to what many people think, bonsai is not a specific tree species. Bonsai can be created from many varieties of trees, shrubs, and vines.

Bonsai Tree General Information
If you have just acquired your first bonsai, you must learn how to care for it. It is impossible to give care instructions for every type of bonsai and for every climate in a short brochure like this, but this will help you to get started. In general, your bonsai will grow best if it experiences the same or similar environmental conditions as it would experience had it been growing “wild”. This means that almost all bonsai must be grown OUTDOORS. (A few varieties of tropical plants can be grown as indoor bonsai, but even these will do best if they are grown outside during the summer). Bonsai can be brought indoors for display for a day or two without suffering, but they really prefer being Sunlight Sunlight is critical for a tree”s good health, but how much is best” For most conifers – spruces, pines, junipers, tamarack, etc. – full sun is best.

For many broadleaf, deciduous trees full morning sun and partial afternoon sun is best. In general trees with thick coarse leaves will tolerate more sun than those with thin, delicate leaves. As an example of the later, the Japanese maple, full sun can desiccate the leaf margins, so these grow best in filtered sunlight. Watering Watering is the single most important factor in keeping your trees alive. It is also the hardest skill to learn. This is because various species of trees have different water demands. Some trees tolerate dry conditions better than others. Some trees will “tell you” they are thirsty when their leaves look limp. For other trees limp leaves mean the tree has already died. So where do we start” All bonsai trees are grown in special bonsai potting mix – not dirt, not potting soil, and not garden soil. This special bonsai soil is coarse and granular, and should allow for water to freely run through it. All bonsai pots have holes for drainage. When bonsai are watered, most of the water runs out the bottom of the pot, and only a small amount is retained in the pot.

If a bonsai is growing in a free draining soil mix, during the active growing period (spring to fall) they are usually watered once a day. Water your bonsai with a watering can, or with an attachment to your garden hose that will deliver a gentle spray of water. Be careful you do not blast the soil from the pot with too strong a spray. Water until water runs from the bottom of the pot. 

Watering is best done in the morning so the tree and soil are fully hydrated during the hottest part of the day. It is often said that it is impossible to over-water a bonsai if it is in a good potting mix. However, outside. Bonsai need the daily temperature variations, the intensity of the sun, and seasonal variations in temperature to remain strong and vigorous. The surest way to kill a bonsai is to keep it on top of the television, or on the coffee table. 
Bonsai are not houseplants. One of the great pleasures of growing bonsai is to watch them go through all the seasonal changes that they would go through in the “wild”. Deciduous trees will have their leaves turn colors in the fall, and then lose their leaves, just as their full sized cousins do. These same trees will sprout a new crop of leaves the following spring. Most bonsai owners display their trees in their backyards on benches that are three or four feet high. Bonsai should be viewed at, or near, eye level. Placing your trees on a bench or table will allow you to see and appreciate your bonsai more fully. Apartment dwellers can keep their trees on a balcony, taking extra care that they don”t fall off or get blown off. Do not place your trees directly on the ground. Doing so makes them more likely to be attacked by slugs, insects, chipmunks, and the neighbor”s dog. Join your local bonsai club. Experienced growers of bonsai in your area are your best source of information on which trees grow best in your region. Caring for your bonsai involves careful watering, pruning, re-potting, insect and pest control, pinching, winter storage, fertilizing, and perhaps wiring. With proper care most bonsai should outlive their owners.

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